June 2022: Launch of Skylightz Gateway

3 min readJul 4, 2022

Skylightz X Edenverse

In June, our partner Skylightz Gaming launched Skylightz Gateway, a physical presence in Singapore with a focus on Skylightz Collectibles, Web 3.0 and interoperability between the real and virtual.

This location will act as the bridge between the real world and the digital world of Edenverse, hence the name, the Skylightz Gateway.

Skylightz X Edenverse at the Skylightz Gateway

Background lore

Mr. X, a regular human being on earth, saves the Queen Eagle and discovers Edenverse, a magical land that is like an oasis and is worry-free.

As the first being to enter Edenverse, Mr. X decides to channel these memories of his journey in building his collection into the virtual world, creating them as NFTs, where these memories reside in the blockchain forever to be remembered by generations to come.

After gaining enlightenment, Mr. X embarks on a journey to bridge the real world to Edenverse, starting with the establishment of the Skylightz Gateway.

Meeting the community in real life

In a real-life application, we understand that there are many NFT and crypto projects out there launched with bad intentions from the founders. They launch their projects with no backing, they don’t doxx their team, and no one knows who they really are. And when things start to go south, they simply take your money and run.

These are exactly the bad actors that are giving the entire crypto and NFT space a bad rep, and why some people have a negative impression of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. But the team at Edenverse is here to help put your mind at ease.

As you may already know, Edenverse is supported by Skylightz Gaming, a very established and prominent company in the gaming scene. Through the support of Skylightz Gaming with the Skylightz Gateway, the Edenverse Team took this opportunity to engage with the community in-person at this very location, addressing their concerns and questions about the project.

Edenverse team engaging with the community in-person

Another key reason for the Skylightz Gateway, is to build confidence in the community. Having a physical presence in Singapore, a very prominent global financial centre in the world, we wanna show the community that we’re committed in building this SocialFi, and we’re not afraid to set up this physical Skylightz Gateway and let all you guys know that we’re sincere, we’re here to stay, and we’re here to share any info that will help the community in this learning journey.

Moving forward, we aim to use this space as a location to engage in further discussions with the Edenverse community, as long as you’re in town. Do let us know via our socials if you’re in Singapore and drop by to say hi!

Check out Edenverse on our Website, Discord and Twitter !

Also check out our partner, Skylightz on Twitter and Instagram!




Edenverse — The SocialFi For A Better Humanity